On-Site Scanning and Data Capture – SaaS


On-Site Scanning and Data Capture – What is it?

No Need to Ship Confidential Materials Off-Site!

Affordable Document Scanning and Conversion Services Performed ON-SITE at your facility.

Want to reduce your paper volume, but you don’t want confidential information going off-site? No problem. getsix® services can bring complete document scanning and conversion capabilities to your facility.

Digitising critical documents using one of our relevant ON-SITE Scanning and Data Capture services will streamline your business, and save you time and money. Electronic documents are easy to store, transport, route and view. They also support disaster recovery, since copies can be safely stored off-site.

No more manual data entry! Both, getsix® Cloud Scan&Capture and getsix® Remote Scan&Capture based on a Software-as-a-Service Model (SaaS) are the new ways to easily process your documents faster and with a lower cost.

getsix® has a new services for this specialised implementation service named getsix® Cloud Scan&Capture and getsix® Remote Scan&Capture which is based on a pay-as-you-go model. These solutions were created to automate document processing and to assist our customers that want to limit software and hardware implementation in their computing environment. Many small, medium and large organisations are using getsix® Cloud Scan&Capture or getsix® Remote Scan&Capture which focuses on to minimising operational costs.

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What is getsix® Cloud Scan&Capture exactly?

getsix® Cloud Scan&Capture is a complete and flexible Cloud solution that allows you to manage electronically and intelligently your document life cycles.

This service is based on a user friendly getsix® Web Portal without any software installation. Our relevant on-site scan and capture services can be implemented quickly so your organisation can take advantages of savings immediately using highly recognised capture and extraction products. The getsix® Cloud Scan&Capture services integrates functionalities allowing processing faster and without mistakes and works with most documents types in your business process. This service will accelerate your approval process management while rapidly decreasing your operational costs.

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What is getsix® Remote Scan&Capture exactly?

Many organisations rely on document-driven processes that originate at a remote location, but must be completed elsewhere.

Thinking of scanning your documents, but don’t want your information to be taken off your site? getsix® secure on-site document remote scanning & capture service is the solution for you.

This on-site scanning service is ideal for businesses who deal with highly confidential paperwork, which cannot be taken off-site. Our professional team can advise you on the best scanning solution for your company and how to digitally index your documents. getsix® provides a secure compliant service, accredited for Information Security and Quality Management Systems.

Our scanning team will set up an on-site document scanning office/workplace at your offices to capture your back archives and convert to digital format. We can advise on document preparation and indexing and propose/supply scanners for your future office requirements. getsix® uses Canon scanning technology which provides the highest quality digital outputs.

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Our Remote Capture Technology used

The Kofax Capture Network Server is a proven, reliable method for accelerating and reducing the cost of remote business processes. Included with Kofax Capture, the network server allows our customers to capture documents and data from their organisation’s remote offices directly into our Kofax Capture system.


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Our On-site Document Scanning Process

  • The team will advise you on how to set up an on-site document scanning and capture office/workplace at your premises.
  • getsix® can help train your staff to prepare your documents for scanning.
  • getsix® will bring the scanners and our experienced team to your premises. If you’re already have existing scanners we will integrate them.
  • Whilst on-site our friendly staff will assess your requirements and provide recommendations for your future scanning needs.
  • getsix® can train your staff in how to scan efficiently and to a high quality, to keep your business paperless.

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Benefits – On-site Remote Document Scanning & Data Capture

  • Digitise your confidential documents at your premises
  • Retain access to your live documentation
  • Our team will set-up an efficient scanning workplace at your site
  • Use your own staff to prepare documentation, with the help of our experts
  • Receive on-site document scanning training by our experienced operatives
  • Get recommendations for your future scanning requirements