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Customer Log-in
getsix® Services has created a test log-in, here you can access and trial our e-Services to become familiar with some of our IT solutions.
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Test login for getsix® e-Services
Course of action – logging in for test access:
The login data below should be provided in the entry mask. Special attention should be paid to the use of upper and lower case letters.
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For German language users:
Username: guest_de@getsix.pl
Password: guest_de
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For English language users:
Username: guest_en@getsix.pl
Password: guest_en
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For Polish language users:
Username: guest_pl@getsix.pl
Password: guest_pl
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getsix® e-Service ‘Customer Extranet’
The integrated communication system is based on sharing and exchange of business resources to external customers. Each customer have a personal account in the system and can access the data 24 hours a day, as well as information and news, updated by our staff.
[button linking=”default” link=”https://extranet.getsixapps.com/” align=”left” size=”medium” type=”standard” style=”simple” icon=”signin” title=”Log in to ‘Customer Extranet’”]Log in to ‘Customer Extranet’[/button]
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getsix® e-Service ‘Reporting Portal’
To be successful in today’s competitive marketplace, organisations need to extend information beyond the walls of their organisation and seamlessly interact with customers, partners and suppliers in real time. Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services enables us to transform valuable enterprise data into shared information for insightful, timely decisions for our customers.
[button linking=”default” link=”https://ssrs.getsixapps.com/Reports_BI/” align=”left” size=”medium” type=”standard” style=”simple” icon=”signin” title=”Log in to ‘‘Reporting Portal’”]Log in to ‘Reporting Portal’[/button]
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