Subscription Licensing


Dynamics Licensing: NAV 2013 / 2015

Subscription Licensing for Microsoft Dynamics NAV is available through getsix® Services. Subscription Licensing is a licensing alternative to SPLA Licensing, and offers many benefits, including monthly license payments. getsix® Services recommends switching from SPLA to Subscription Licensing for Dynamics NAV and GP if you are an existing SPLA customer.

At getsix® Services we offer the following Microsoft Dynamics licensing packages:

  • Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015 Licensing
  • Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 (R2) Licensing

Please contact us today for pricing and more information.

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This Licensing Model is great for our clients:

Our clients can forget about large upfront perpetual licensing costs and move to monthly license payments, with the flexibility to raise or lower their license counts each month. Also our clients have full access to the Microsoft Dynamics Customer Source Portal.

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Dynamics NAV 2013 Subscription Licensing Guide


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Dynamics NAV 2015 Licensing Guide


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Terms & Conditions

Subscription Licensing are paid in advance.

getsix® Services charges service fees, also payable in advance, as part of the total Subscription Licensing cost to cover administration, invoicing and management.